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January 12, 2025
Battling decision making issues from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

So what happened? A LOT! While my situation is pretty tame compared to the mental health issues that others experience, I can see how debilitating it can be. When I get into one of these states, my productivity goes down, I procrastinate, and I almost make myself sick with the weight of the issue on my shoulders. That gets me into those stressful time crunches. Thankfully, I can dig myself out of a hole, but it might take a long time for that to happen. 

I thought it was timely that this was the message on my Yogi Positive Energy ...

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March 15, 2024
Our mental health is fragile! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I'm happy that I'm not alone in the missing items department. But what is interesting is how we become focused on the missing things to the detriment of what is happening around us. We are distracted, discombobulated, and just totally non-functioning to some extent. 

Why is that? And why do we get to that point? It's not every time I lose something, but the times when I get in that state are not pretty, and I hate it because I "waste" so much time, either trying to find the item or just being discombobulated. 

I confess that ...

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January 22, 2024
Mental monkeys - get lost! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I get quite a chuckle from some of your comments! I'll be responding later, but not this morning, as it's Monday, and I'm limited in time before I have to get my butt to spin class! 

As for comments -- some people can comment on the blog, and others cannot. We chatted about some of the possibilities the other day, and I was going to post that. Do you think I can remember this morning? It had something to do with having a Google account. One guess would be that you have to be logged in to comment ...

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January 21, 2024
Getting the monkey off your back! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

OH!!!! The one metric system that I have wholeheartedly embraced is temperature! So, I had to do some research on yesterday's comments. What the heck is 64 degrees Fahrenheit? We keep our house at 19 Celcius at night (66.2 F) and 21 during the day (69.8). However, as I mentioned, the temperature these days doesn't rise above 20 (68) during the day! 

But I'm good with that. I don't want it to be too hot, and I sleep with two duvets and a quilt at night and add or remove layers as needed! 

Compared ...

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June 4, 2022
Overwhelmed with stuff! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I am a Virgo, and we are neat and tidy creatures by nature. OH MY --- while I don't seriously believe in the horoscope thing, this description of a Virgo is uncannily me. I wouldn't bother reading it unless you are a Virgo, but it explains a lot. Maybe I should believe in astrology a little bit more. 

It doesn't really talk about neat and tidy, but I used to be. 

Here's a story from the past about magazines. I remember the day when I became obsessed with magazines and how they got out of control. I ...

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May 8, 2020
A well-oiled machine from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

No - I'm not talking about a sewing machine - I'm talking about ME.

I know that some people are having trouble coping with this current situation. They might not like the self-isolation, they might not be coping with the uncertainty, they might have a household full of crazy children or other family members, and well - you get the point.

Thankfully - that is NOT the case at our house. We're both perfectly happy with self-isolation. Liking yourself is a skill that we learn as children. If we've been trained as children to be constantly entertained by someone or ...

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April 19, 2020
How small can you go? from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Don't hate me! But this quiet time has been a HUGE boon to my mental well being and wrapping my head around my quilting stuff. I've been the most productive for the longest period that I've ever experienced and I can only hope that this is going to continue once things get back to normal.

There are a couple of reasons for this increase in productivity.

1. I lucked out in the gene category. I spoke to my Dad yesterday. He's going to be 87 in a week or so. Is he bored? Is he watching ...

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